Why is it important?
Transportation impacts our lives, economy, environment and our health.

Being able to access affordable transportation allows everyone to:
* Travel back and forth to work,
* Attend school and training opportunities,
* Get to health care appointments,
* Be involved in sports and recreational programs,
* Shop for food and basic needs,
* Connect with spiritual and religious supports,
* Be independent at home longer.

Who’s at Risk?
Not everyone has access to a personal vehicle. There are five key groups of people in rural Ontario who are at greater risk of facing transportation disadvantages. These groups include seniors, people with disabilities, youth, low income households and women.

Community Solutions?
The St. Thomas Transportation Action Group is presently working with community partners to work on local community solutions as well as advocating for government policy that positively impacts transportation.

* Link to City of St. Thomas transit: https://www.stthomas.ca/cms/One.aspx?portalId=12189805&pageId=19631237
* Link to St. Thomas Parallel transit: https://www.stthomas.ca/cms/One.aspx?portalId=12189805&pageId=12513527

What can you do?
Become a volunteer driver in your community
* Donate to transportation programs such as gift a ride, West Elgin Community Health Centre
* Learn about government decisions that impact transportation